
About us

What is Hanna?

Hanna is a search service that searches in different types of sources at the same time. Using one search box you can find both printed and electronic resources such as books, e-books, dissertations or scholarly articles.

What can I find in Hanna?

Using Hanna you can find i.e.:

  • Books and e-books
  • Hanken’s publications, in printed as well as electronic form
  • Articles in most licensed databases subscribed by Hanken
  • The contents in most of the licensed databases that the library offers
  • Articles, theses, dissertations and more in Open Access databases

When should I use Hanna?

Use the search service Hanna to easily search both printed and e-materials at the same time. Hanna offers a broad entry and an overview to information resources accessible at Hanken. View the search results according to your needs. The results are presented in a tabbed view according to the type of material:

  • Library catalogue shows printed books and e-books
  • Electronic material shows mainly articles from licensed databases, but also Open Access material
  • Database groups gives a shortcut to databases that are not included in the results in Electronic resources (such as databases on Ebscohost)
  • Library catalogue and Electronic material shows the two list of reults side by side for easy scrolling.

For more specific searching it can alse be recommended to use the database's own interface. Use the search box to search for the database or scroll databases in the list of databases.

Use Hanna in order to i.e.:

  • get an overview of publications in a certain field of study
  • locate a certain article
  • locate a certain journal, printed or electronic

Hanna is a part of Finna

Hanna is Hanken’s local view of the national information service Finna. Finna provides access to the collections of libraries, museums, and archives across Finland. The National Library of Finland bears the main responsibility for developing, in cooperation with local libraries, museums and archives. Finna is part of the National Digital Library (NDL) financed by the Ministry of Education and Culture. Finna is constructed using VuFind and other open-source software.